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Finance Management

Looking after your finances can be a very tedious exercise in light of your other daily activities. When your cash flow needs some effective allotting, UMONEY’s Finance Management feature is your best partner to make this happen.

Looking after your finances can be a very tedious exercise in light of your other daily activities. When your cash flow needs some effective allotting, UMONEY’s Finance Management feature is your best partner to make this happen.

Easy setting of limits

The Finance Management’s seamless interface allows you the flexibility to lay out your budgeting using a number of touch-activated sliders. They will be tied into UBOMI’s AI system to help keep the spending within your means.

Setting the goals

When you have your budgeting laid down, the Finance Management tool will project your future financial goals, giving you more impetus to control your finances to achieve them.

Quick alerts all the time

Real-time notifications can be received through Finance Management to help you keep track when your finances are getting out of hand.