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Subscription Management

Subscription features

People nowadays have a bevy of digital subscriptions to handle – you got subscriptions for VOD channels, premium podcasts, even shopping services. Depending on the pricing, all of them can constitute a significant chunk of your monthly expenses. Over time, you may find yourself paying for some subscriptions you no longer need, so where do you go from here?

Enter the Subscription Management service through UBUDGET.

People nowadays have a bevy of digital subscriptions to handle – you got subscriptions for VOD channels, premium podcasts, even shopping services. Depending on the pricing, all of them can constitute a significant chunk of your monthly expenses. Over time, you may find yourself paying for some subscriptions you no longer need, so where do you go from here?

Enter the Subscription Management service through UBUDGET.

Subscription features

Your subscriptions in a single view

This feature lists all your existing subscriptions in a single page, allowing you to properly account for even the subs you forgot you still had.

When things are due

The management tool takes note of the due dates of your subscriptions, so you will be reminded of the billing, then you can budget accordingly – and possibly avoid late-pay penalties.

Cancel on command

It may be a chore to set up cancellations of your subscriptions. The Subscription Management tool gives you the power to cancel unwanted subscriptions as you see fit, helping you save more money.