Expense Analysis
Are you Making Bank or Breaking your Bank?
Ever had the inkling that your spending may be exceeding your cash flow? You can put that suspicion to the test through UBUDGET’s Expense Analysis system!
Expense Analysis
Are you Making Bank or Breaking your Bank?
Ever had the inkling that your spending may be exceeding your cash flow? You can put that suspicion to the test through UBUDGET’s Expense Analysis system!
Personal Expense Dashboard
The UBUDGET Expense Analysis allows UBOMI users to properly categorise all expenses incurred during a set period, and compare them to your income stream as indicated in your enrolled bank accounts. The information will enable you to make educated decisions for your finances.
Key Benefits
Full Oversight
It may be a chore to set up cancellations of your subscriptions. The Subscription Management tool gives you the power to cancel unwanted subscriptions as you see fit, helping you save more money.
Historical Trending
The system will allow your spending to be properly analysed depending on the pattern of transactions during a set period (e.g. massive spending during holidays).
UBOMI’s advanced automation capability allows for your expenses to be properly categorised for your perusal.
Your expense history can be easily segregated for more detailed study.