Zepto Payments
- Zepto Proforma DDR (which may be updated from time to time at Zepto’s sole discretion and is available at https://www.zepto.com.au/ddr/):
You request and authorise Zepto Payments Pty Ltd (User ID #492448, 531942, 543948, 543950, 543949, 543954, 538925, 543947, 543955, 543956, 543957, 543958, 543962, 613600, 613601, 613602, 613603, 613604, 613605, 613606, 613607, 613608, 613609) on behalf of the Payment Initiator with whom You have a Direct Debit agreement, to arrange through its own financial institution, to debit from Your nominated account any amount the Payment Initiator has deemed payable by You.
This debit or charge will be made through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) from Your account held at the financial institution You have nominated below and will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement.
Zepto does not accept any liability for the provision, merchantable quality or fitness for purpose of the underlying goods or services provided to the User by the Payment Initiator and/or merchant and therefore the User holds Zepto harmless for any Claim that may arise from the non-provision of services by the Payment Initiator and/or merchant or any other Claim that may be made against the Payment Initiator and/or merchant under Consumer Law. - Zepto Proforma DDRSA (which may be updated from time to time at Zepto’s sole discretion and is available at https://www.zepto.com.au/ddrsa/):
Terms and Conditions of Zepto’s Direct Debit Request (DDR) Service Agreement- INITIAL TERMS: Zepto will debit Your nominated account for the amounts and at the frequency of payments as agreed between You and the Payment Initiator with whom You have a Direct Debit agreement and authorised by the Zepto DDR contract authorised and accepted by You.
- CHANGE OF TERMS: Terms may be changed immediately with the approval of the Payment Initiator or within the parameters of the Digital Agreement issued by the Payment Initiator and approved by the User. This is managed through the Zepto Platform.
- DEFERRING OR STOPPING A PAYMENT Should You wish to defer a payment to another date You must contact the Payment Initiator before the date of that payment to request the deferment. Deferments are entirely at the discretion of the Payment Initiator. You may request to stop an individual payment through the Zepto Platform however You will still be liable to make this payment to the Payment Initiator.
- ALTERING THE SCHEDULE Should You wish to alter the payment frequency or day to Debit contact the Payment Initiator. Altering schedule is solely at the discretion of the Payment Initiator. The Payment Initiator may charge a fee for this Service. The Payment Initiator shall notify You of these fees. Any changes made will not affect the total amount You would otherwise have paid over the minimum term of Your Contract.
- CANCELLING THE PAYMENTS You can cancel this Direct Debit Request Service Agreement at any time through the Zepto Platform. Cancellation of the authority to debit Your account will not terminate Your contract or remove Your liability to make the payments You have agreed to with the Payment Initiator.
- DISPUTES If You dispute any debit payment, You must notify the Payment Initiator immediately. The Payment Initiator will respond to Your dispute within 7 working days and will immediately refund the amount of the debit if they are not able to substantiate the reason for it. If You do not receive a satisfactory response from the Payment Initiator to Your dispute, contact Zepto who will respond to You with an answer to Your Claim within 5 Business Days if Your claim is lodged within 12 months of the disputed drawing, or within 30 Business Days if Your Claim is lodged after 12 months from the disputed drawing.
- BUSINESS DAYS When the day to debit falls on a weekend or public holiday the debit will be initiated on the next working day.
- DISHONOURED PAYMENTS It is Your responsibility to ensure that on the due date, cleared funds are available in Your nominated account to meet the Direct Debit payment. Should Your payment be dishonoured, You authorise Zepto to debit Your account when cleared funds become available in Your nominated bank account.
- ENQUIRIES Enquiries may be directed to [email protected].
- YOUR OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to those already mentioned, You are responsible for ensuring that Your nominated account is able to accept Direct Debits. If it is not, it is Your responsibility to provide Zepto with a new account number.
- Zepto Proforma Terms and Conditions (which may be updated from time to time and is available at www.zepto.com.au/terms):
The Payment Initiator wishes to Direct Debit the User’s bank account in exchange for services provided by the Payment Initiator. This document outlines the rights and responsibilities that You, the User, have with regard to the ability of Zepto Payments Pty Ltd to directly debit Your nominated bank account for any instalments or Fees due by You under the terms and conditions of this Contract and DDR Service Agreement, the terms of which are stated below. Should You have queries regarding Your Contract or the DDR form You should in the first instance contact Zepto.
The parties to the contract are the Payment Initiator, the User and Zepto Payments Pty Ltd. All communication relating to this Contract is to be sent directly to Zepto. The User acknowledges that Zepto has been contracted by the Payment Initiator to collect the Instalments due under this Contract, and also acknowledges that all rights of the Payment Initiator pursuant to this Contract are able to be enforced by Zepto as if it were the Payment Initiator without any involvement on the part of the Payment Initiator or the consent of the User.
The User agrees to pay the instalment amount at the agreed payment frequency until this Contract is terminated in accordance with the Termination of Contract clause below. Should there be any arrears in payments, the User authorises Zepto to debit the outstanding balance in order to bring the account up to date.
The User may terminate this Contract before the expiry of the minimum term or payments if all the instalments and fees due up to the date of termination are paid, and in addition the cancellation fee as specified on the front of this Contract is paid to the Payment Initiator. Should the User enter into an agreement with the Payment Initiator which requires recurring or scheduled payments, then this Contract shall continue indefinitely until such time as the User requests Zepto to terminate, and all payments under contract have been made. Requests to cancel the Contract should be made directly with the Payment Initiator. Zepto will affect termination once it obtains instructions from the Payment Initiator to do so. The period of notice will be determined by the Payment Initiator. The Payment Initiator should contact Zepto if they have not received written confirmation of the termination within the period of notice specified by the Payment Initiator. The User shall not consider that this contract has been terminated until such time as this is confirmed until Zepto notifies the User. Termination of this Contract will also terminate the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement.
The User, Zepto and the Payment Initiator each hold reciprocal rights of termination for a material breach of any term or condition of this Contract. The Contract will be terminated upon receipt of written notice outlining and substantiating the relevant breach.
Enduring Payment Consent: by entering into this agreement, the User acknowledges that the User is providing Enduring Payment Consent (for a one off or recurring payment) for Zepto to facilitate payments from You to the Payment Initiator and/or merchant for goods or services. The User agrees that this consent will be legally binding on the User until such time as the User terminates the enduring payment consent with the Payment Initiator or Zepto.
No fee is payable by the User in connection with the authorisation of this Contract. A $50.00 fee is payable to Zepto by the Payment Initiator in the event that its act, omission or error (for example, providing incorrect User information) results in Zepto having to rectify such an act, omission or error.
A User’s “Personal Information” (as that term is defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) will only be used by Zepto to provide You with the services contemplated by this Contract. Zepto’s Privacy Statement is to be found on its website www.zepto.com.au/privacy
This Liability clause applies to Zepto’s Direct Debit Request (DDR) Service Agreement, only. To the extent permitted by Law, Zepto hereby excludes any liability of Zepto to the User in contract, tort, statute or in any other way for any injury, damage or loss of any kind whatsoever (including, without limitation, any liability for direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage), sustained by the User and/or any other Person, or for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by the User, arising from or in connection with this Contract and/or the services/products provided by Zepto, and/or any act or omission of Zepto.
Zepto does not accept any liability for the provision, merchantable quality or fitness for purpose of the underlying goods or services provided to the User by the Payment Initiator and/or merchant and therefore the User holds Zepto harmless for any Claim that may arise from the non-provision of services by the Payment Initiator and/or merchant or any other Claim that may be made against the Payment Initiator and/or merchant under Consumer Law.
Change of location or ownership or the name of the Payment Initiator does not absolve the User of responsibilities under the terms and conditions of this Contract.
Ezidebit AU Direct Debit Request (DDR) Service Agreement (Version 1.12)
Please print and retain for your records. This Direct Debit Request Service Agreement (Agreement) forms part of the terms and conditions of your Direct Debit Request (DDR).
Debiting Your Account
By agreeing to the DDR you authorise Ezidebit Pty Ltd ACN 096 902 813 (Direct Debit User ID number 342190, 342191, 428198) (referred to as Ezidebit) to make debits to your nominated account.
The debit will be processed on the next business day after the direct debit date if:
a payment request is received by Ezidebit after Ezidebit’s usual cut off time, being 3:00pm Qld time, Monday to Friday;
there is a public or bank holiday on the day when the debit transaction is due to be processed or on any of the following days until the debit is processed.
You authorise Ezidebit to attempt to re-debit any unsuccessful payments. You will also be responsible for any fees and charges applied by your financial institution for each unsuccessful debit attempt together with any collection fees, including but not limited to any solicitor fees and/or collection agent fee as may be incurred by Ezidebit.
Ezidebit may charge you certain fees (including setup, variation, SMS or processing fees) where applicable under your debit arrangement.
Your Responsibilities
It is your responsibility to:
Ensure that your nominated account can accept direct debits;
Ensure that the details on the DDR are correct, and the bank account has been verified against a recent bank statement;
Ensure that all authorised signatories nominated on the financial institution account to be debited authorise the DDR;
Ensure that there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account, as a failed payment fee may be charged by Ezidebit if a debit is returned by your financial institution as unpaid;
Advise immediately if the nominated account is transferred or closed or your account details change;
Arrange a suitable payment method if Ezidebit or the Business cancels the drawing arrangements.
Cancelling or Changing Direct Debits
Subject to the terms and conditions of your agreement with the Business, you may cancel, alter or defer the debit arrangement by contacting the Business a reasonable time before the date that the drawing is to be made.
You authorised Ezidebit to vary the amount of the payments from time to time upon receiving instructions from the Business of a variation provided for within your agreement with the Business. In all other cases, changes to the amounts or dates of a series of direct debits require 14 days’ prior notice.
If you believe that there has been an error in debiting your account, you should notify the Business as soon as possible. The Business will notify you of its determination and the amount of any adjustment that will be made to your nominated account (if any). Upon receiving instructions from the Business, Ezidebit will arrange for your financial institution to adjust your nominated account by the applicable amount (if any). Alternatively, you can also contact your financial institution.
You agree that Ezidebit will not be liable for any disputed transactions resulting from the supply or non-supply of goods and/or services by the Business and that all disputes will be directed to the Business (as Ezidebit is acting only as an agent for the Business).
We will keep your account details and direct debit records confidential in accordance with Ezidebit’s Privacy Policy, except where the disclosure of certain information to your financial institution is necessary to enable us to act in accordance with your drawing arrangements. We may disclose the information in the event of an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit, in relation to a claim, or otherwise as required by law.
If you wish to contact Ezidebit about anything relating to this Agreement, you should contact:
PO Box 3327, Newstead, QLD 4006
Ph: 1300 763 256 Email: [email protected]