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Ways to Turn Your Spring Cleaning Into Cash

Ways to Turn Your Spring Cleaning Into Cash

By following these tips, you can not only achieve a cleaner and more organised home during spring cleaning, but also earn some cash along the way.

Spring is a perfect time to refresh and declutter your living space. While the idea of cleaning may seem daunting, it can also be an opportunity to make some extra money.

This blog post explores effective tips for spring cleaning your home and how you can turn your decluttering efforts into a profitable venture.

Assess and Plan

Before diving into your spring cleaning, assess each room and create a plan of action. Identify areas that need the most attention and prioritise your tasks. This will help you stay focused and organised throughout the cleaning process.


Decluttering is the key to a successful spring cleaning. Sort through your belongings and determine what you no longer need or use. Separate items into categories such as sell, donate, recycle, or discard. Be ruthless and only keep items that bring you joy or have practical value.

Sell Online

Once you’ve identified items to sell, take advantage of online platforms to reach a wider audience. Websites like eBay, Gumtree, and Facebook Marketplace are popular choices in Australia. Take clear photos of the items, write detailed descriptions, and set reasonable prices. Be responsive to inquiries and negotiate prices if necessary.

Host a Garage Sale

Consider hosting a garage sale to sell items that may not be suitable for online platforms. Advertise the sale in your local community, both online and offline. Organise items neatly and price them accordingly. Make the process more enticing by offering discounts for multiple purchases.

Participate in Online Marketplaces

In addition to individual selling platforms, there are various online marketplaces and community groups where you can list your items for sale. Platforms like buy/sell/trade groups on Facebook, Carousell, and Etsy provide opportunities to reach targeted audiences for specific items such as clothing, furniture, or handmade crafts.

Trade-In or Consignment

For higher-value items such as electronics, furniture, or designer clothing, consider trade-in or consignment options. Many retailers offer trade-in programs where you can exchange old items for store credit or discounts on new purchases. Consignment stores are another option, where you can sell items on consignment and receive a percentage of the sale price when the item is sold.

Rent Out Unused Space

If you have unused space in your home, consider renting it out for storage purposes. Websites like Spacer and Stashbee allow you to list your available space and connect with individuals in need of storage. This can be a convenient way to earn passive income from your underutilised areas.

Offer Cleaning Services

If you enjoy cleaning and have the necessary skills and equipment, consider offering your services as a professional cleaner. Advertise your services locally, create a website or social media page, and offer one-time or recurring cleaning options. This can be a lucrative way to turn your spring cleaning expertise into a profitable business.

Upcycle and Repurpose

Instead of selling or discarding certain items, consider upcycling or repurposing them. Get creative and transform old furniture or household items into something new and useful. You can then sell these unique creations online or at local markets.


For items that are in good condition but not suitable for selling, consider donating them to local charities, shelters, or thrift stores. Not only does this help those in need, but it also allows you to declutter responsibly and potentially receive a tax deduction under current ATO rules.

Neighbourhood Swap

Coordinate with your neighbours and organise a neighbourhood swap event. Encourage everyone to bring items they no longer need or want and swap them with others. This can be a fun and social way to declutter while finding new treasures for yourself. Set up designated areas for different categories of items and establish guidelines to ensure fairness and a smooth swapping process.

Offer Cleaning and Organising Tips

Share your spring cleaning and organising tips with others through a blog, YouTube channel, or social media platforms. Provide valuable insights, step-by-step guides, and DIY tutorials to help others declutter and clean their homes effectively. As your audience grows, you can monetise your content through ads, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing.

Sell Unused Gift Cards

If you have unused gift cards lying around, consider selling them for cash. Online platforms like Cardyard and Gift Card Granny allow you to sell your unwanted gift cards at a discounted price. This way, you can convert them into usable funds while someone else benefits from the discounted gift card.

Offer Home Staging Services

If you have an eye for interior design, consider offering home staging services. Many homeowners and real estate agents seek professional help to showcase properties for sale. By decluttering, organising, and arranging furniture and decor in an appealing way, you can enhance the visual appeal of a home and potentially earn a handsome fee for your services.

Recycle and Earn

While some items may not hold any monetary value, they can still be recycled for cash. Research recycling centres or scrap metal yards in your area that accept items such as aluminium cans, old electronics, or metal appliances. By recycling these materials, you not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also earn a small income.

Become a Tasker

Consider joining task-based platforms like Airtasker or TaskRabbit, where you can offer your services for various tasks, including cleaning, organising, furniture assembly, or home improvement projects. These platforms connect you with individuals seeking assistance and allow you to earn money based on your skills and availability.

Document Your Journey

If you’re passionate about decluttering and organising, document your journey through a blog, vlog, or social media platforms. Share before-and-after photos, tips, and stories about your spring cleaning adventures. As your content gains traction, you can monetize your platform through sponsored content, brand collaborations, or selling digital products related to decluttering and organisation.

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore limited to tidying up your home. It can also be an opportunity to declutter and make money in the process. Explore the various options available, get creative, and embrace the joy of decluttering while earning some extra cash. A clean and organised home can lead to a clearer mind and a more prosperous future.

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