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Should you Buy a Robot Vacuum?

Should you Buy a Robot Vacuum?

If you’re looking to save time and effort with your vacuuming, a robot vacuum could be a great investment for you.

With our increasingly busy lives, it’s no surprise that many of us struggle to find the time to clean our homes thoroughly. The solution to this problem is simple: a robot vacuum cleaner — a compact, autonomous vacuum cleaner that can navigate its way around your home and clean your floors for you. Here are the benefits of owning a robovac, as well as some tips on how to choose the right one for your needs.

Benefits of owning a robot vacuum


One of the biggest benefits of owning a robot vacuum is the convenience it provides. You can set it to clean your floors on a schedule, so you don’t have to worry about vacuuming yourself. You can even control it with your smartphone, so you can start a cleaning cycle from anywhere, at any time. In some ways, a robovac’s disc shape may enable it to work under most furniture items, saving you the time and effort to move the furniture out of the way to vacuum the space. 

However, there may be another school of thought to challenge that: a test evaluation at consumer market website Choice AU stated that robot vacuums should not completely replace traditional vacuum cleaners as they can perform supremely well on certain surfaces while not that much on others. For example, running a robot vacuum on carpets mostly leads to any dirt or dander being sunk deeper into the pile as the unit goes over the surface, and its small size does not lend itself to having a motor with powerful suction as a regular vacuum cleaner.    


With a robot vacuum, you can save a significant amount of time that you would otherwise spend vacuuming your floors. This is especially true if you have a larger home or pets that shed frequently. You can set the robovac to clean while you’re at work or running errands, so you can come home to a clean house. You can add up to its efficiency by clearing traditionally open spaces of any clutter, like toys or other objects just lying around, giving the robot vacuum more operating space as they will avoid large objects. 

Improved indoor air quality

A robot vacuum can help improve the air quality in your home by removing dust, pet hair, and other allergens from your floors. This is especially important for people with allergies or respiratory issues. Think Crucial states that a notable robovac can help improve air quality if it has HEPA filters. 

Energy efficiency

Most robot vacuums are designed to be energy efficient, so you don’t have to worry about them consuming a lot of power. This is good news for your wallet and the environment.

Low noise

Robot vacuums are typically quieter than traditional vacuum cleaners, which means you can run them at any time of the day without disturbing your family or neighbours.

Tips for choosing the right robot vacuum

Consider the size of your home

When choosing a robot vacuum, it’s important to consider the size of your home. If you have a larger home, you may need a robot vacuum with a larger dustbin and longer battery life. Similarly, if you have a smaller home, a smaller robovac may be sufficient.

Look for mapping and navigation features

Robot vacuums with mapping and navigation features can navigate around your home more efficiently, avoiding obstacles and ensuring that they cover every area of your floors. Look for robot vacuums with advanced sensors and mapping software to get the most out of your investment. One critical feature to seek in an ideal robot vacuum is to have laser-based smart navigation designed to detect large gaps ahead and stop before reaching it. If your home has at least one storey and the robovac is working on the top floor, smart navigation will help it avoid going off the top landing of the stairs.

Check the battery life

Battery life is an important consideration when choosing a robot vacuum. Look for a robot vacuum with a long battery life so that it can clean your floors for an extended period without needing to be recharged. Given that many robovac cleaners on the market have a special charging dock, it should have enough room and time to get back there for recharge. 

Consider the noise level

Robot vacuums can be noisy, but some models are quieter than others. If you have pets or small children, you may want to look for a quieter model so that it doesn’t disturb them. The team at Roborock, in particular, states if you are sleeping or reading a book, you can focus better if the robot vacuum is not active during that time.

Check the cleaning performance

The cleaning performance of a robot vacuum is another important consideration. Look for a robot vacuum with strong suction power and a good filtration system to ensure that it can pick up dirt, dust, and pet hair effectively. An ideal robot vacuum’s charging station will also have a larger dustbin to keep all of the unit’s collected material until you can take everything out, plus a water tank to clean the heads. Some robovacs, such as the Roborock S5 Max, even have mopping capability to clean and vacuum the surface at the same time.

Look for smart features

Smart features like voice control, scheduling, and smartphone integration can make using your robot vacuum more convenient. Look for a robovac with these features if you want to get the most out of your investment. Some models, like Ecovacs’ DEEBOT X1 OMNI, will even have laser floor mapping capability to memorise the floor plan and navigate around obstacles as needed. 

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